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2015年7月3日 星期五

編譯Matlab Deep Learning Tool: MatConvNet

  • Matlab 2014a (or above)
  • Any C/C++ Compiler (recommand Visual Studio 201x)
使用Matlab 2014a以上是因為2014以下的版本會造成以下編譯錯誤:

MEX [option1 ... optionN] sourcefile1 [... sourcefileN]
[objectfile1 ... objectfileN] [libraryfile1 ... libraryfileN]

Use the -help option for more information, or consult the MATLAB API Guide. 

D:\TOOLS\MATLAB\R2013A\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Unrecognized switch: -cxx.

Error using mex (line 206)
Unable to complete successfully.

Error in vl_compilenn>mex_link (line 323)
mex(mopts{:}) ;

Error in vl_compilenn (line 287)
mex_link(opts, ...

"It seems that the '-cxx' argument was introduces in mex in Matlab R2014, so that's why it ended up with error..." by lenck: error in compiling GPU version with windows 7 + matlab 2013b #35

Installation & Testing
Installing and compiling the library
Quick start

p.s. 安裝過程檔案路徑最好不要有中文,不然出錯你找一輩子都找不到原因...

